Percentage Increase Calculator

Percentage Increase Calculator allows you to find the percent(%) increase or decrease from an initial value to the final value.


Final Value Calculator


How to use Percentage Increase Calculator?

As you can see, there are two calculators available. The first one is to find the percent increase or decrease. And second is to find the final value.

Percentage Increase or Decrease

  1. Enter the initial value and final value.
  2. Press the "calculate" button.
  3. As a result, you will get the increase or decrease value, difference, and calculation steps.

Final Value

  1. Enter the initial value and increase in percent.
  2. Press the "calculate" button.
  3. As a result, you will get the final value and absolute difference with the calculation.

Percent Increase Formula

Percent(%) Increase = ( Final Value - Initial Value / |Initial Value| ) × 100